Friday, May 14, 2010

Goodbye Girl

Mark was so gung-ho to be Mr. Destructo that I almost didn't get any before pictures of the kitchen!

After the complete annihilation of the kitchen.
We had to cut through cement to make an opening into the
family room.
Turns out that was the exterior wall of the house. yikes!

This was the other entrance into the family room.

And now we have a nice, wide opening. Again we had to cut through cement. (When I write "we" I really mean Mark and occasionally my mother - she really gets into demolition.)

I like to think of myself as a Goodbye Girl.
(not like the lyrics to this song, of course)
But I work hard at trying not to hold on to objects.
I have a yard sale every year to get rid of make a change. Maybe it's because we moved a lot when I was a kid. My mother made it an adventure and I always looked forward to decorating a new room!
So I say goodbye to the old...
can't wait to meet the new!

Disclaimer: we do not destroy without thought. all cabinets were preserved and donated to Habitat for Humanity.


  1. Yeah, I call it purging. I also like to have CHANGE every so often too. I'm with ya. Congrats on the prgress.


  2. Thanks, Alicia!
    I don't feel as bad buying new things when I'm able to sell of so much stuff. In fact, my friends love it when I buy new furniture because if they like it, they just wait until I sell it! heh heh
