Friday, August 27, 2010

That Home

"Where the windows are breathing in the light,
Where the rooms are a collection of our lives,

This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place that I call my home... "
--The Cinematic Orchestra
I never thought I'd be okay leaving our other house
Where we brought home our long-awaited baby
Where we were finally a family
Where she stood, walked, laughed, cried, and blossomed.
I made it out by not lingering.
If I spent too long in that empty house, I felt tightness growing in my chest.
So I made a quick departure.
I'm facing forward towards our future
And watching her run, bound, dance, and grow in this new home.


  1. She already looks like she fits right in! ;)

  2. She's so adaptable - she loves every new environment she enters!

    side note: sorry you don't like the new carpet - I think it looks lush! But if you can't stand the color, the only thing to do now is paint the walls.
    Then you'll be in a totally new place!

    Thanks as always for the comments; I really appreciate it!
