I apologize.
I have been M.I.A. for too long.
I have never done so many things in one week.
We moved most of our belongings and every large item we own the
weekend before last.
From then on we were simultaneously packing at the old house and
unpacking at the new house.
Let's hear it for procrastinators and the week-long move - hooray!
We were trying to finish projects, put up blinds, and find our toiletries...
We were also sorting through all of our crap awesome stuff to prepare for the yard sale we had this past weekend.
Friday was like the perfect storm of moving:
Packing, sorting, and cleaning led to two rapidly converging piles
of "sell" and "keep."
We decided to clear out the old house and set up our yard sale indoors.
We didn't feel like dragging everything outside just to sit in the heat and get bitten by mosquitoes.
Our customers agreed that it was the best decision - "Now THIS is how to have a yard sale!" they would say as they walked in from the heat and afternoon sprinkling of rain.
We met many interesting people and laughed with the neighbors who come to our yard sale every year - and made money to boot!
That brings us to today...phew!
We're going shopping (the whole reason I sell my stuff every year) with our good friends at one of our favorite places, Ikea!
Then we'll finally get a chance to actually sit down, relax,
and watch a movie.
'Cause you know, we still don't have cable. ugh.
So I thank those of you who have stuck with me through my absence.
I appreciate you and would love to have this place be
a more interactive hang out.
Stop by for five and we'll have a laugh!
I'll post some pictures of our progress as soon as I find my camera.