Monday, April 26, 2010

Unpack Your Adjectives

I'll be the first to admit that I revel in the art of exaggeration. It just makes boring stories a little more fun and it always makes me laugh when people react as if I'm serious.

"It took that 500 year old woman two years to turn into the parking lot! Rio was driving by the time she actually completed the turn!"

And I'll also admit that I probably say "oh sh*t!" way more than I should. I have tried to change it up a bit with "oh snap!" or "say what?!" but I always go back to the fun of the sh.

However, my fun has now come to an end. Rio has not only been talking up a storm all of a sudden, but she is demonstrating my flair for the dramatic. The other night she bumped her toe and said, "ooooh nooooo! toe!" Of course we all thought that was too cute for words.

Until this morning, when she dropped my phone
and said, "ooooooh siiiiit!"

I'll be unpacking new adjectives today.


  1. Isn't it amazing how much we change for our kids? Yep, time for new adjectives.

    Stopping by the blogfrog follow discussion, now you're newest follower, :)

  2. Having to become a morning person was the hardest...ugh. heh heh

    Thanks for the comment and follow!
