I don't think she knows I know
I'm worried that something might happen to me
If anyone ever finds out
Why, why did they send her
over anyone else?
How should I react?
These things happen to other people
They don't happen at all, in fact
--They Might Be Giants
Rio always amazes me.
Whenever I need her cooperation the most, she knows it before I do.
When our dogs escaped through the gate I accidentally left open,
she knew.
She had just woken up from her nap and I threw her in the car and
drove around crying, calling for the dogs.
She never uttered a word.
I'm sick. I have a bridal shower to put on this weekend and I'm sick.
I'm wearing this ridiculous blue mask so I don't get her sick.
And the baby who spends all day in my lap is entertaining herself.
She just seems to know.