I'm thirty-five.
I'm not really sure how I feel about this.
Someone once told me that your thirties are the best years and I agree.
You are finally finished with school, have some money in the bank, perhaps kids, probably a home...life is good.
But then part of me feels like I just stepped onto a slippery slope to 40. ugh.
Not that there's anything wrong with 40; after all, it's the new 30!
But I thought I'd have a bunch of kids by now.
I never thought it'd take such a large portion of my adult life
to have one.
In every other area of my life I'm settled. I'm happy.
I can check items off my list.
But that one section entitled "Gaggle of Kids" continues to haunt me.
Unless I win the lottery tomorrow.
We'll be able to pull off another adoption but after that?
Sometimes it's upsetting.
So I think that's my biggest hang-up with turning 35.
I was definitely born at the right time.
I was destined to mother at least one beautiful child.